1. a feeling and expectation or desire for a certain thing to happen
2. a person or thing that may help or save someone
3. grounds for believing that something good may happen
archaic - feeling of trust.
What is hope?
I really can't give you a definition.
But I can tell you what it isn't...
- fear
- anxiety
- distrust
- anger
- bitterness
I have recently understood that this hope thing comes every day... you can't just have it once and have it forever.
I have to continually accept that I need God. That I don't have hope without Him.
I learned that hope isn't about me just fixing things, it's much deeper than that.
A dear friend asked me what hope was. I couldn't answer. I couldn't explain the joy from it. Just like I can't explain what it is about sitting under the blue sky on a sunny summer day that makes me not be able to stop smiling.
It is peace... which when I think about that - I can't explain either.
what I am asking my friend to do is to seek hope. Even though I don't know how to express in words what hope is, I do know where I find it. In the cross. In the fact that it's not about me and all about the glory of God. I find hope in the fact that I don't have to 'fix' things on my own - for the simple reason: I CAN'T. and neither can you.... remember that.
It's Christ through us... and we need Him so badly - each day, each minute, each second.