Monday, November 17, 2008

the race that lies before us.

I have realized lately that the ones who are closed to you are the ones who can easily tear you apart. They know what gets under your skin and they know how to drive you crazy. Last night I decided that it really doesn't matter. I have been given this personality and no matter if people say I am quiet, or need to be more social. I have been created for a reason & with a purpose & I am just living life. I was walking back from parking my car in that darn gravel lot (that I have come to despise at 12 am) last night/this morning & I wanted to just be angry... stew about how my friends are treating me... how they seem to be able to make me feel like if I was not around them - they couldn't tell the difference.. But instead.. the scripture I memorized today and Saturday came to mind and I started saying it... thinking about it.. and trying to apply it.

"Since we have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us. and let us run with endurance the race that lies before us. Keeping our eyes on Jesus - the source and perfecter of our faith. Who by the joy that lay before him endured the cross, despised the shame, and sat at the right hand of God's throne."

So easily, it seems, I get distracted by the small, trivial things that won't matter 2 days from now. I need to keep my eyes on Jesus - the source and perfecter of my faith.

And that leads me to the things that are important. The topic of recent conversation has been summer missions & all that fun stuff. There was some guy that came from Fargo, ND to talk about recruiting about 5 or 6 college students from LHope to go up there for the summer and live the missionary life in Fargo. It was awesome to see his heart and his plan for a church in Fargo.

Before he spoke, a man talked about mission opportunities is South Asia. It was so intriguing. I haven't ever been interested in spending more than a few weeks in a different country - since I have never been before... But when he talked about a summer & a semester opportunity - something inside me was sparked.

This Friday I will be on my way to Louisville for ACTS One Eight Leadership Experience State Interviews. Marcus, Aly, and I will be spending the weekend with brothers and sisters from across the state. If things work out with this & I do get to go ... then I will be spending a few weeks serving in Louisville & a few weeks in the Dominican Republic working with water purification. I have to admit.. I have never been put in a position where I have been out of my comfort zone - but I am excited at the chance.

I have always been nervous about going out & doing missions - mainly because it is just a little.. well.. exciting/intmidating/scary to know that the Lord is going to use you in ways you never imagined... & the thought of rejection.. that always makes me a little nervous (My weight and sin that I need to lay aside).

I have had a ton of people offer wise advice about missions.. One was that "you are the same person here - that you are over there." Which puts a lot of things into perspective and is helping me to realize how intentional our lives need to be with sharing the Gospel.

Another was along the lines of 'when you focus on yourself and how you are afraid or insecure you are taking the attention off of Christ & making things about you.' (They were refering to outreach)

How true is that though - we are not anyone different when we go to Fargo, South Asia, or the Dominican Republic. So why not start here - for one thing... everyone needs to hear about what Christ can do for them (& it doesn't cost anything to do missions where you are right now...)

So as I challenge myself to go out & have gracious words seasoned with salt - I challenge whoever happens to read this to be intentional & aware of who is around you, who is hurting, and who needs to feel the unconditional love of Christ.

until next time
-attempting to keep my eyes on Jesus - the source & perfecter of my faith!