Monday, May 18, 2009

loving life even without the sun :)

the beach.

it has been beautiful and it has been just plain gross.

when we got here it was 80 and sunny. But now... the forecast says rain until we leave. Imagine that - the one week of vacation I get this summer - the time when I am supposed to come back with a golden tan and it is raining.

well I - Emily McGuire - have become a different person while on vacation. Well.. maybe not a new person - but I have opened up to the 'vacation emily'. I read every chance I get and just want to walk around in my chacos or toms in the sand.

Shopping is fun - but it's not fulfilling, which is a good thing.

I enjoy seeing my Mamaw sit outside with her visor and tank top and soak up the sun on the deck. She is just adorable and I am so thankful I get this time to spend with her since I won't be around much this summer.

I have been reading the Shack this week and it been an eye-opener that I have actually enjoyed. I am usually not one to read fiction - but this book is amazing. I definitely recommend it to anyone!

I have to paint one scene for everyone who reads this:
On Sunday morning my mother and I were going to get up and go to a church in Ft. Myers - but we decided since it was vacation time we would just take this time to rest instead of rushing to get ready and go somewhere. So I woke up and enjoyed a homemade breakfast, ran (not a smart idea after eating.. but oh well) & then took a towel outside on the beach and read a little bit of proverbs. It was so encouraging and beautiful - perfect timing to help me appreciate my time with some of the women in my family. One of the verses I read was about how gray hair is a crown. Later on that day one of my great aunts told my mother she should dye her hair and I got the opportunity to back up her comeback of "it shows wisdom" with "says proverbs, it is a crown and you should be proud, it is beautiful." But after I read proverbs - I went back to what we read in Dgroup a few weeks ago - Hebrews 13. The verses that have been stuck in my mind recently are about how God will not forsake you and how He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. What a beautiful moment it was.

The God who was faithful to bring my family together, get me through two years of college, bless me with a wonderful job, and get me safely to Florida to sit on the beach where He was speaking is the same God who is going to guide me through this difficult summer. He is the same. And He will not forsake me. How beautiful

I can't wait for this summer to start! I am so ready to be around a team of wonderful brothers and sisters who share the same passions as me. It is going to be amazing to see how we all work together to accomplish the goals of the summer!

I will only have a few days with my family, friends, and special people - but I know that through the separation I will have to depend solely on the Lord and rely on His strength and allow Him to comfort me when things seem tough. It will be a great experience and I am so ready!

It's time to embrace this whole Acts 1:8 thing with an open mind and open heart.

If anyone wants the address for this summer then just leave a comment saying so and I can get it to you.


Anonymous said...

I so want your address Emily.

The Shack is an amazing book, I love it!!! :D

I am glad you are having some wonderful time with the women in your life.

I love you and am praying for you and your summer!