Monday, December 1, 2008

Teach Us, LORD

It hit home tonight:

"Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts."

I was talking to a friend about how there was a lot of stuff to do this week & I got a little overwhelmed while filling out my to-do list for Tuesday.. But I realized something while in conversation with this friend.. it doesn't matter! There will be many things to do every day & they will all get done - they have so far. As long as I work at everything enthusiastically as if I am working for the Lord and not for men, then things will get done.

My to-do list has 18 items on it & that is absolutely okay with me. I have a ton of responsibilities and that is a blessing also.. because if I didn't - I would be bored out of my mind!

The reason why this is so important. is simply because I need to focus on the things that matter - serving the Lord, following His purpose for my life, and not being just a visitor in this world. But having a big heart - thanks to CF for the Colossians Study - and being vulnerable. While it is necessarily more safe to have a small heart and avoid relationships... that is not what we are called to do. We are called to Love Our Neighbor. This doesn't happen through just a small - hello once a month - but investing in who an individual is.

So. I will pray that the Lord will teach me to number my days so that I may develop wisdom in my heart.

-His Grace Is Sufficient-