Sermon Title from Sunday: “Hosanna, In the Highest: Hope” At Christ Fellowship we started the Advent Season and sermon series called “Hosanna In the Highest.” Hosanna means save us we pray. Okay - so we took communion and there is a section of scripture that I always read before I take communion: Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness to enter the sanctuary through the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that He has inaugurated for us, through the curtain (that is, His flesh); and since we have a great high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water. Let us hold on to the confession of our HOPE without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:19-23) The passage of scripture that the message was based on was Psalm 118. (Check it out) One of my pastors made the point that we have three ways to hope in God: hope in His character, hope in His works and hope in the coming One of God. (Jesus) JESUS is our SALVATION and our ONLY HOPE. I have never read my ‘communion passage’ when the word hope sticks out so much. So after asking the question: where is my hope? I read v 23 that says (in case you forgot): Let us hold on the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Sunday was my connection point. I Praise You, Lord. Save Me.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Lord, Save Me!
Posted by emily at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
new place
so... I made a new post at
Posted by emily at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
break from accounting just in time.
So.. what to do when accounting has you down in the dumps ... post a BLOG!
Posted by emily at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Life & Such
It has been pretty eventful - this life thing that is happening.
Posted by emily at 11:23 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
quotes & thoughts
There have been a few quotes that have stood out to me recently. I have been reading 'My Utmost For His Highest' & it has been amazing. So there are a few (all but one) that will come from there... but I thought it would be neat to just put them on here - they are amazing and I hope that you find Truth in them.
Posted by emily at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
listen... what?
rejoice alway, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22
Posted by emily at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
overwhelmed. definitely.
okay. so this is a sudden, not thought out post.
Posted by emily at 9:09 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Summer of True Delight.
My summer story began a few hours before Acts 1:8 officially started. The Sunday we were to arrive, I was crying in the car with my friend. “I am really giving up my summer,” I quietly said through my tears. Thoughts ran through my head. “Will I miss out on fun times in Nashville with my friends? How will I make enough money without a full-time job this summer? Is this really what I am supposed to be doing?
I doubted my decision to dedicate my summer to the Lord. My friend reassured me that he was proud of me and that I would love this summer, that is what I was banking on – that my friends and family would be proud of me. I started out this summer full of pride.
On that same day, when I was trying to figure out if Acts 1:8 was actually my calling or not, I started to feel some anxiety about it. This was the last thing I wanted to experience, because it had been so common during the semester. It is normal occurrence for my breathing to speed up and my heart to race when there is something that I cannot control. With a summer full of rules and team time, I would definitely be limited to controlling any situation. I started out this summer full of anxiety.
When I got to my room I wondered how two people could live in a place so small. A few days passed and we would have meetings every day and they would always last longer than they were supposed to. Didn’t everyone know that I had things I had to do and didn’t want to sit in a meeting all day long? I started out this summer full of selfishness.
By the second day of 1:8 I was already wishing that I was moving into my apartment, going to concerts, opening my coffee shop, starting my job, planning events for BCM and attending classes. I was wishing away my summer, this was not a good sign. I told one person, “I can’t wait to get back to Bowling Green and start the fall semester.” He replied, “Don’t wish your whole summer away, enjoy the time you have. I didn’t realize that my subconscious was speaking. I started out this summer wishing it would end.
Fortunately, this was just the beginning of the summer. My heart changed as I let the Lord take hold.
This summer experience taught me many things about myself. I learned a lot about studying the bible, discipleship, pursuing my relationship with the Lord. However the most important things I will take away from this summer are the relationships and the lessons about who I am and most important that I am not done growing in my relationship in Christ and knowledge of Him.
One thing I learned is that I have to have my alone time to recharge. Contrary to previous thoughts, this is not something that is negative, we all have to recharge in our own way. For me this could mean either journaling in a quiet place where I can get all my thoughts on to paper or spend time in prayer and in the Word. There are many people that get there energy from groups of people, and I wish I was one of those types, but I am not. This summer I became comfortable with who I am.
Another thing that I learned was confidence. Before the summer started my discipleship leader from WKU asked our D-Group to pick out a verse that would sum up what we were hoping to experience or learn from this summer. My verses were Hebrews l0:35-36. “So don’t throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you need endurance, so that after you have done God’s will, you may receive what was promised.” This has been a verse that I have been trying to apply to my life. On May 31st, when I drove onto Southern’s Seminary Campus I was trying to grab a hold of all the confidence that everyone else had in me. But it was empty without the confidence that I had in Christ. It has been extraordinary to start applying this verse in my life. I am not going to say that I am the most confident person on the team (that is by far a lie). I am only saying that I am making an attempt to live like the daughter of God He has said I am. This summer I learned to find my identity in Christ.
I have learned how much of a free-spirit I am, and that this can be a good thing. I enjoy doing things on my own, but there is more to life than being on your own all the time. My favorite church that we attended while in Louisville was Sojourn. The pastor said one night that we need to be astonished by our relationship with God and also with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I took major advantage of the fact that I was forced to live with these 21 other people for a few months. I was in close proximity to people who were just waiting to pour into me and love on me and I didn’t realize that until a few days ago. This summer I learned to appreciate the blessing of relationship in my life.
There were many girls who, when they heard the news, hugged me. I didn’t know if I was willing to accept this, I was fine, right? No. Through a situation, I was able to grow closer to my sisters who wanted to share in my joy and in my pain. I had experienced that before not to this extent. I was forced to grieve the loss of a friend and accept that it is okay to not be happy all the time. I was forced to take off my mask in front of people that I had lived with for 6 weeks, it was the first time. This summer I learned the definition of community through action.
There are so many times that I want to portray myself as a strong, Christian, wise, healthy, understanding girl. But I am not and that is okay. Jesus died on the cross to offer me grace and a relationship with His sovereign Father. I am starting my journey in this relationship and it is the most beautiful thing I have experienced. The process will be long and I will never be finished, but this is the journey entitled, life one day at a time for Christ. It is exciting and I hope that after hearing my story you will desire to dive deeper into this love relationship that the creator of the universe wants to have with you. This summer I learned what it means to delight and trust in the Lord.
Trust in the Lord and do what is good; dwell in the land and live securely. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. – Psalm 37:3-4
Posted by emily at 1:24 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
12 days later... and I'm back in America!
It has been a wonderful past two weeks.
I just got back from the Dominican Republic last night. I can't even begin to explain about it in great detail... so much has happened. I will try though.
We left for a hotel on Monday- we stayed the night at the hotel and then got up really early to catch our flight on Tuesday. I have to admit that the few days before we left I was not very excited. I guess I just didn't know what was going to happen, or what to expect. But I was a little nervous. This was my first international mission trip.
Tuesday: we connected flights in Miami - I said my goodbyes to friends and my parents and sent the last text messages for the next 12 days. We arrived in Santo Domingo and I started to get really excited! The funniest part of the day was when I was sleeping on the bus next to the window - and this man in a truck beside us knocked on my window and started waving at me and made kissy faces. I was rudely awoken from my nap and startled at the Dominican man staring at me. Welcome to the D.R. - at least he didn't shout Gringo or Americano at me - like the kids did occasionally. We arrived at our base and spent the night getting used to the Dominican heat.
Wednesday: breakfast was at 7:30 and after making sandwiches and figuring out which sight we would go to - our teams departed. We had to split up the Acts 1:8 group to make sure we finished the projects at two sights in Santo Domingo. I went with the group that installed a water purification system in Ima Rosa - a community about an hour away. I worked with health education - which meant a few skits and lessons and then carrying kids on our back around the room. They shouted at us in Spanish (something I got used to) to run faster or to spin them around faster. By the end of the day, I was drained, dizzy and very joyful.
Thursday: the same deal as Wednesday. Lots of running, sweating, getting yelled at in Spanish and happiness. The kids started asking us for water today. "Agua..?" They would hold up a cup to us and present the precious child face - that you can't help but say yes to.. but we weren't allowed. We only had so much water for the team and our translators and leaders told us that we needed it so we wouldn't get dehydrated... but I couldn't help but start feeling a little sad that I couldn't give the children water.
Friday: the same thing happened as the past two days... but there was some extra excitement today. Some of the girls thought it would be fun if I chased them.. So instead of just tackling the boys - poor Joe & Brad - they started picking on the girls on the team so we would chase them - of course we had to give in and play! After a few hours of running, when it was almost time for the kids to go home, they found a water source (not pure water) . One of the guys on the team, Daniel, yelled at them and told them not to drink the water or throw the soccer ball at the little girls getting water (they didn't listen). I jumped in and turned off the water and tried with my horribly broken Spanish to tell them to get water at their house. One of the little girls that had insisted on me chasing her and carrying her on my back - threw her cup down and screamed as loud as she could and then stomped away. All the girls followed her example and I felt like a terrible person. After a few minutes of suffering from a slightly broken heart and teary eyes, I collected myself and remembered that they would soon have pure water and hopefully understand why we were there and that I wasn't the most horrible person ever.
Saturday: This day- the vision clinic part of our team came to Ima Rosa. I decided to jump out of the comfort box of screaming children and work with the vision team (since they wanted to switch jobs for the next site). After a long day of reading prescriptions, handing our glasses, and realizing that everyone is picky and selfish, I saw one of the little girls that threw her cup down. Her name was Diana. She looked at me, shrugged her shoulders, and ran up and hugged me and insisted I pick her up. It was great to be able to have the translator tell her that I thought she was a precious little girl and that I enjoyed being able to play with her this week, but that I wouldn't be back tomorrow. She put her head in my neck and I carried her around for a little while longer. By the end of the day, she wouldn't look at me without tears in her eyes when I tried to say adios. It was a bittersweet sort of feeling. But after the hard work of our water team - the kids of the community will have pure water and more importantly learn about Living Water.
Sunday: The Acts 1:8 team and translators traveled to Jarabacoa. I have to say that this is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.
Monday: We traveled to a place called "The Hole" and it is exactly what the name says. A Hole. There is a river that runs through the little community and it is full of trash. There is a mountain of trash also. Inside the little trash river were dead animals, people using the bathroom and also people getting water in jugs to use. We were disgusted... in America we don't think about where our water comes from - we just turn on the sink and use however much we think we will need (plus more). Never do we have to worry about parasites or worms or bacteria... it's just a normal thing. We can shower and get water in our eyes or water in our mouths and not be nervous about getting e-coli. It's not that way everywhere else. Here these people were surviving and living in this hole and getting their water from the same place were dead animals float. And our mission to put in pure water and tell these people of God's love and power becomes more real and important every second we smell the sewage run through the city and stare at the mountains of trash.
Tuesday: same thing - the Hole. I do have to tell you about the children at this place. They were so happy to see you, touch you and have you hold them. They would yell "Americano!" every time they would want our attention.. or whenever they would see us for that matter. They were the most appreciative children ever and the most without (to our standards). And they were the most beautiful.
Wednesday: I went to a different site - a school close to our base at Jarabacoa. It was no where close to the poverty level like The Hole, but still in need of glasses and God's love. This was the last day of our working part of the trip. I was exhausted physically, mentally and challenged spiritually - the best place to be when you are learning humility and how to rely truly on the Lord. I was so thankful when the end of the day came... but a little sad to be leaving my first international mission adventure in a few days.
Thursday: we went to a water fall. amazing! it was a great place to witness the love of God in his creation. - I climbed up a huge rock and then found a smaller one to watch everyone play in the water as I journaled and focused on the Psalms. This was also the day we traveled back to Santo Domingo.
Friday: Beach Day (and shopping)! I got to get a few gifts for some people. It wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be - I had to learn to ignore the "Hey Girl, Look!"The beach was beautiful and it just so happens that I am not immune to the sun's rays, in fact they decided to burn me!
Saturday: we came home this day. There was a lot of singing, "I'm leaving on a jet plane... don't know when I'll be back again!"
I discovered a lot of things while on this trip.
- I am very prideful
- I need passion to be able to carry out the vision
- I like children
- I LOVE to read
- I still need wisdom (notice the first discovery)
- I missed America more than I thought I would
- I can survive without my phone
- I am a typical American
& while I left with a huge taste of humble pie, it was a good feeling. I guess the term would be "on fire". Yep. It's not that happy-go-lucky- hooray for Jesus feeling.. But it's the - i am not- but God is - I need Him everyday - I need to tell people about Him - sort of feeling that makes you know that you need grace - but that God offers it - and He wants us to be involved in His story and we need to seek Him.
So... here we go. now it's time to learn the whole application in life thing.
Posted by emily at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Redefine Love
The riverfront sets the perfect scene.
All I see is power, life, color.
As it all melts together,
so my worries melt away.
I know comfort, I know trust,
I know I continue to love you.
We confuse love so easily
It takes shape of person after person
and then we remember our beautiful Creator.
Men cover the stairs on this starry night,
no place to go and no comfort to be known.
Tears replace the smile as I walk past
I hope I will never relate
or go without a place to sleep.
We confuse love so easily
it takes the shape of thing after thing
and then we remember who sacrificed it all.
Redefine your love.
Find passion in the One who loves you.
It's true we need to relearn what love is,
because we... confuse love so easily,
it takes the shape of person after person.
We need to remember our beautiful Creator .
We need to redefine our love.
Posted by emily at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
without you, Lord
God, I am weak, angry, lonely, defeated and pitiful on my own - but with You, Lord, I am strong, joyous, comforted, victorious and worthwhile.
Posted by emily at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My Rock
I have decided that blogging this summer will be more difficult than I thought. But here it goes:
Posted by emily at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
summer on a boat .... well, sort of.
Posted by emily at 9:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
So.. it has been a busy couple of days and I have a ton of thoughts to write out... but there is no time right now. I am absolutely exhausted - but it is a wonderful feeling. So hopefully in the next few days I will be able to post some of these thoughts that are flying around in my head.
Posted by emily at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
basking in the beauty
basking in the beauty...
of the beach.
of life
of family
of friends
of relationships
of lazy days
of vacation
and it has helped me realize that i am:
and it is a wonderful feeling
I have decided to take a break from soaking up the sun... it's not a good idea to resemble a lobster every day. So today is the day to bask in the greatness of vacation and do nothing. As many of you may know, this is very difficult for me. I am always making to-do lists and trying to find things to do and places to go. But I can't help but just sit and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.
There is just something about being able to take a break, relax, and lay on the beach next to your grandma (who keeps bragging about how well she tans). It is simply beautiful.
I read more of Proverbs today. I also was looking for some encouragement to send to some friends I had been praying for... and I came across Psalm 139. I had written out a prayer in my bible that was perfect for my life right now (funny how that happens so often). "Search me, test me, lead me." It is a challenge. But one that needs to be looked back on often.
- Accomplishments over vacation (i did make a to-do list..):
finished the Shack
found sunglasses
got some amazing seafood
had breakfast with wonderful family & friends
ran down the beach
ventured into the water (almost knee deep)
Things I have yet to do:
para sail
make thank you cards
ride a bike down to the pier
finish walk across the room
Yea.. I know I might be a little lame - but it's who I am and what I enjoy doing.
All in all I have to say this has been a wonderful vacation so far!
Posted by emily at 10:37 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
loving life even without the sun :)
the beach.
it has been beautiful and it has been just plain gross.
when we got here it was 80 and sunny. But now... the forecast says rain until we leave. Imagine that - the one week of vacation I get this summer - the time when I am supposed to come back with a golden tan and it is raining.
well I - Emily McGuire - have become a different person while on vacation. Well.. maybe not a new person - but I have opened up to the 'vacation emily'. I read every chance I get and just want to walk around in my chacos or toms in the sand.
Shopping is fun - but it's not fulfilling, which is a good thing.
I enjoy seeing my Mamaw sit outside with her visor and tank top and soak up the sun on the deck. She is just adorable and I am so thankful I get this time to spend with her since I won't be around much this summer.
I have been reading the Shack this week and it been an eye-opener that I have actually enjoyed. I am usually not one to read fiction - but this book is amazing. I definitely recommend it to anyone!
I have to paint one scene for everyone who reads this:
On Sunday morning my mother and I were going to get up and go to a church in Ft. Myers - but we decided since it was vacation time we would just take this time to rest instead of rushing to get ready and go somewhere. So I woke up and enjoyed a homemade breakfast, ran (not a smart idea after eating.. but oh well) & then took a towel outside on the beach and read a little bit of proverbs. It was so encouraging and beautiful - perfect timing to help me appreciate my time with some of the women in my family. One of the verses I read was about how gray hair is a crown. Later on that day one of my great aunts told my mother she should dye her hair and I got the opportunity to back up her comeback of "it shows wisdom" with "says proverbs, it is a crown and you should be proud, it is beautiful." But after I read proverbs - I went back to what we read in Dgroup a few weeks ago - Hebrews 13. The verses that have been stuck in my mind recently are about how God will not forsake you and how He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. What a beautiful moment it was.
The God who was faithful to bring my family together, get me through two years of college, bless me with a wonderful job, and get me safely to Florida to sit on the beach where He was speaking is the same God who is going to guide me through this difficult summer. He is the same. And He will not forsake me. How beautiful
I can't wait for this summer to start! I am so ready to be around a team of wonderful brothers and sisters who share the same passions as me. It is going to be amazing to see how we all work together to accomplish the goals of the summer!
I will only have a few days with my family, friends, and special people - but I know that through the separation I will have to depend solely on the Lord and rely on His strength and allow Him to comfort me when things seem tough. It will be a great experience and I am so ready!
It's time to embrace this whole Acts 1:8 thing with an open mind and open heart.
If anyone wants the address for this summer then just leave a comment saying so and I can get it to you.
Posted by emily at 6:31 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
after a while.
it has been a while since I have posted anything. life has been happening. and it has been happening very quickly.
it is already the summer, officially. It has been since Tuesday. Today I had to say goodbye to all my friends that have become like family.
It has been a long few weeks. I can't even begin to recap. The only important thing to know is that I earned a B in Econ. Not a D or an F. That was a shock to me also..
In a few hours I will be heading to Ft. Myers, Florida to spend the week with my mom, mamaw, and two great aunts.
Fun things:
I have discovered a new love for sushi
I can live without an iPhone or iPod for that matter
I am going to be a DGroup leader next year
I will be living in Bowling Green in August (as long as a house finds us)
My bicycle has gotten really good at calling my name
I have become infatuated with Nashville's musicians
I cry when I have to say goodbye to people I care about
I have a new job in the Entrepreneurship Center
I have a desire to read
I have a goal journal that I am working on checking off.
In a few hours I will be journaling on the beach. I am sure that will develop some more interesting thoughts instead of what has just been going on in my silly life.
A few more hours and I will be loving my life with the wonderful women in my life that have helped me become who I am today. How precious.
Posted by emily at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
the story
I just heard one of the most inspiring stories ever. It was the wonderful story of how a friend came to Christ. I think it just so crazy to think about how the littlest things can be God speaking... From sitting in the colonnades on a beautiful day - to driving down an old familiar road. HE speaks. The most amazing thing is that my friend has a story that if many would have known him a few years ago - they would have given up and said it was useless. But there were a few people in his life who didn't give up. They didn't count God out. They were strong for him.
He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also put eternity in their hearts, but man cannot discover the work God has done from beginning to end.
It is awesome to think how big God is and how small we are. But yet, he still develops our stories, He uses us, and he loves us. It never ceases to amaze me when thinking about everyone's story. How people were brought together to develop a relationship that brings glory to God. Or how just being through a certain situation would encourage another person who is going through the same thing.
It is a scary thought, but also comforting - to know that we are not in control. That God - whose word we praise, the LORD, whose word we praise. In God I TRUST. TRUST that He is in control, TRUST that He has a plan and TRUST that He will fulfill it in our life.
So, if you don't know your story - or you haven't thought about it in a while - be reminded what God has done for you and chosen to do through you. I am sure it will remind you of grace, faith, love and leave you with an overwhelming feeling of joy and satisfaction in God -whose unfailing love is better than life (did you take that in fully... God's love NEVER fails)...
Posted by emily at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
It's past time...
Last night I had a conversation with a guy who is such a huge encouragement and example to me. He has given me great advice when it comes to missions and sharing my heart and faith with others. I think I am coming to a point where I am going to have to make a huge step. And it will be a step of faith. There have been baby steps so far - but it's time. Time to be brave - not because I am on my own - but because my Lord is my strength
It is time for me to get outside this little comfort box that has 'frightened' written all over it. I have a story that is so beautiful to share and yet - I get scared - I shy away.
"So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. For in just a little while the Coming One will come and not delay. And my righteous ones will live by faith. But I will take no pleasure in anyone who turns away." - Hebrews 10:35-38
This is such an important point made in Hebrews. It has been the call of my heart.. to not lose confidence. There are so many times that I get nervous. But I have to remember that God is the strength of my heart and I have victory through Him & this is a victory that I need to share with others - it is so beautiful!
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. SO never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord..." - 2 Timothy 1:7-8
It's time to be real, time to love and time to live by faith. It's time to rejoice and live in true worship.
Posted by emily at 6:32 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Strength of My Heart
Whom do I have in heaven but You?
And I desire nothing on earth but You.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:25-26
These two verses were read last night during 180. Miles picked them out before the service and we used them as a transition. It was a simple choice. But it was apparent that God was in control. It is such a huge blessing whenever He puts things together and shows me that it is all about Him.
We sang a song - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). Here are the lyrics that brought humbling tears to my eyes - "The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be as long as life endures."
Thank you, Jesus for showing me once again it's all about You.
Today is just one of those days where I am extremely thankful for everything and everyone around me. I am not sure if anyone else has these days.. but I'm just aware that everything I have gone through has brought me to the place where I am now. And that isn't the greatest part.. but instead... that I am still on this Journey and have so much further to go! I am so thankful for God's promises. His promise that He is my Father, that I am His daughter and that he is not ashamed to be called my God. What a precious picture!
I can not express in words how excited I am about the next few weeks. This weekend is LTC at Cedarmore - one of the most beautiful places ever! Last year I went and got to wake up early to spend some precious time with the Lord - It was still dark and so beautiful. I can still remember the scene like it was this morning. The sky was a wonderful dark blue and the trees seemed to be painted against the dark blue sky. I got so close to people that weekend - it is just so wonderful to spend time with people who are passionate and eager to be in a position to serve. It motivates you to share in the joy of Christ together and take it back to campus.
This weekend I will also get to see everyone doing 1:8 this summer! I can't sit and think about it for too long - because then I will just want it to be May, so I can head to Louisville and spend the summer with some fabulous people!
I will be following in Josh & Hannah's footsteps as I sign the paper to accept worship exec for BCM Council. I am so excited about next year and how this summer is going to prepare me :)
These past few weeks has been full of these wonderful little things called "epic moments" that make me smile & I can't wait to have more of these wonderful times.
Posted by emily at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
beautiful blessings.
Today has been beautiful.
It was a little rainy and dreary at first. But I think it has been the company that has made things just wonderful.
I am at Spencer's right now, which just so happens to be one of my favorite places in Bowling Green. I have been working on stuff for one of my classes for a few hours & I am just sitting and enjoying the atmosphere now.
I will have to say that I have decided one of the greatest feelings ever. A renewed friendship after a long time of not being close. Two of my very great friends and I have been distanced for a while. But for some reason, all of a sudden, we have taken the initiative to rekindle the sweet friendship. They are the type of girls that I forgot how much I missed having them around. Friends are such a blessing!
I have been so amazed at the power of God lately. I have been feeling His love non-stop lately.
I woke up on Monday to an email that said my church in Irvine was donating another $400 on top of the $500. But the $400 was from personal donations. It was so precious to hear that my church family was supporting me individually. The first thing I thought, "You do provide and take care of me. I know I am supposed to do 1L8 this summer. And you are making that apparent with all the doors You have opened."
Also that night there was something that needed to be said at 180 after we showed a video and I knew that I was supposed to talk about it in front of everyone. It just so happened that this night there were tons of people at our service and it was their first time. I was so intimidated, but began to understand that I need to be available for God to use. After I sat back down - I felt so at peace. Sometimes it's just the things we are most scared to do that offer the most blessings and rewards.
Posted by emily at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
HE is still in control.
Honor His holy name; let the hearts of those who love the LORD rejoice. Search for the LORD and for His strength; seek His face always. Remember the wonderful works He has done, His wonders, and the judgments He has pronounced. - Psalm 105:3-5
This weekend has been quite eventful... It has been full of everything that makes my little heart leap with joy - dancing silly, late nights, raspberry tea, tennis, Spencers, the square, the farm, sparklers, long talks, the colonnades, dark chocolate, guitar and my family.
The only way to sum it all up: beautiful.
Sometimes it is the simple things that make us truly happy. But it is Christ that gives us joy for when the times aren't going so great. Rejoice all the time, find God in everything - because He is everywhere - even in a coffee shop or in a conversation. But remember Him when things are difficult and your eyes are tired from tearing up.
The first part of the weekend was amazing, the second part.. let's just say... wasn't. But still I felt God's faithful love that is better than life. When something that I never thought would happen during my wonderful weekend happened, I was devastated but was able to say, "God, YOU are in control."
It is during these times that rejoicing and worship is necessary and all the more beautiful and special. I woke up Sunday morning to some not so good news about my family and was in tears almost all day - but before I left for Living Hope, I pulled out the guitar and played the new song I just learned - Blessed Be Your Name. How beautiful it was in the midst of a time when things seemed to be falling apart.
"You give and take away. You give and take away. My heart will choose to say, 'Lord, blessed be Your name.'"
It is the little things that can make your heart leap - but Christ who can sustain when the clouds roll in.
Posted by emily at 7:32 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
seek FIRST
Don’t worry now.
Sometimes there are these little thoughts that enter my mind… ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Are you ready?’ ‘Can you really do that?’ ‘What makes you so sure?’ ‘Are you good enough?’
A good friend gave me some advice yesterday, “Take it one day at a time.” There has been something that I have been worrying about lately. Honesty, let’s just say I have been thinking about something a lot – almost too much. When I get something on my mind, it is there and hard for me to focus on anything else. I was talking to my friend about this certain subject that has been on my mind lately & when she gave me that advice… one day at a time, she was pretty much saying, “Emily, don’t worry!!”
So later that night – I looked to see what scripture had to say and if it backed up what my friend said… Wouldn’t you know that I looked up the word ‘seek’ in the concordance and the first verse I went to was Matthew 6:33 (Which is funny because that was the title of my youth Wednesday night service at Rosedale Baptist Church. We met at 6:33 p.m.). Matthew 6:33-34 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you. Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
And the next verse that I went to was Deuteronomy 4:29, which says, “But from there, you will search for the LORD your God and you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul.
So what is the moral of the story? Focus, seek and find strength in the LORD. Not just when you are troubled, or when things seem difficult – or great for that matter. But see FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
So that is my goal. To seek, and not just seek once in a while.. But seek Him with all my heart and all my soul. Because His faithful love is better than life.
Posted by emily at 7:23 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring Break Happenings
Spring Break was amazing
It may have seemed like a disappointment at first, but turned out to truly be a blessing.
A few friends and I spent the week on campus cooking dinner for the international students that were still on campus. The parts that may have been a disappointment were me being sick almost all week and the first night we had a dinner... no one came. On the second night, we had a few people come. And on the third night, we had a some more new faces. I got to teach two guys from India how to make pizza, that was fun.
I think the best part of the week was spending time with people that are dear to me. I got to stay in the BCM apartment with two great friends and then go home after a week to spend time with family and friends from home. It was great to catch up with my friends from high school - I just can't get enough of them! It has been so great to see how God is working.
My parents & grandparents showered me with encouragement and love, which is what they are best at doing.
Coming back to WKU was great also. I have had more time to spend being silly with friends - and that is always a good time! Sunday - apples to apples. Monday - a great movie. Tuesday - Gads. That is the beginning of a beautiful week. I can't wait to see what else is in store!
Posted by emily at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
open your eyes.
This week has been absolutely ridiculous. I have been ready to crash for two weeks. Finally it was time last night. I got to move into the BCM apt for Spring Break - since some of my friends and I are planning stuff for the international students to do.
I am the only one in the apartment for the weekend - and it is scary at night! - but it has been a blessed rest. I got to sit back and enjoy some free time. I had not had it in so long that I forgot what it was like. I really didn't know what to do!
But that is not the point of my post. Today I woke up around 8:30 because I can't sleep any later apparently. I woke up and got some breakfast and then spent time getting ready and then went out for lunch. I got Subway and was hit on at the register. I thought it was quite funny. "Where are you from?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" "How old are you?" "Do you give out your number?" - answer to the last question.. sorry no. I didn't think about it until later - but I have a new idea.. maybe a guy should know your name instead of your age and if you have a boyfriend before they get your number. It was very entertaining.
After laughing at the Subway situation, I tried to find a park to go and eat my sandwich. I was driving on Scottsville Road and then saw Covington.. and thought.. 'hey .. there is a park called Covington.. maybe I should try that road.' It was quite an adventure!
I got my food out and found a picnic table to enjoy the blessings God was offering with the beautiful day and weekend of rest. There happened to be a band playing under one of the picnic shelters. They were doing some covers and as I sat there I heard three words over and over as I began to close my eyes and pray. They were, "open your eyes" and that statement was followed by, "look how beautiful"
I began to notice that everything today was a gift. a beautiful gift.
Posted by emily at 12:02 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
i'm so sick of the stumble i've been caught in.
Yesterday morning every part of her just shut down
Getting out of bed never felt so difficult before
Every step she took led to the wrong direction
And she never made it out her door
Yesterday morning ______ yielded to all she hates
She despised it so much, oh why did she give in
it seems like this battle just can't be won
And she's stuck here alone again
But she says, "I'm so sick of the stumble I've been caught it."
"I'm so tired of the mumble I've described as talk."
Now I guess it's time I lose myself to One who found me here.
(Yesterday Morning lyrics - Matt Wertz)
This song is always one that I can relate to. I always feel like I should put my name in the blank. (it gives a name.. jamie.. but hey. emily fits too). There are so many times that I screw up and have to remember that His Grace Is Sufficient.
There are so many routine actions and talks that we get caught up in. So many meaningless things that just don't make sense. Why don't I walk upright and strong and speak words of love with intention? We are truly caught in this - it's something that is so normal. Let's escape. Do you think it's possible?
It's time to lose myself in Christ. Since He's the one who found me in this despair - in this problem. He didn't find me when I was doing right - or attempting to do right. He found me when I was intentionally doing wrong - disobeying - running away from His name. He surrounded me & showed Me what He had to offer & I can't turn it down - it's such a beautiful offer.
So I will always have these moments - mainly because it is what I struggle with - but I can know that when I do feel like I am having a "yesterday morning" I can stand strong in Christ and the promises He has made to His children. He has a plan for my hope and future.
It is so comforting and makes me want to get out of bed to see what new blessings or lessons He has to show me. It makes me want to stop stumbling and start letting Christ be my foundation to stead my steps. - "Think about the Lord in all you do & He will guide you on the right paths."
How beautiful is the One who found me here.
Posted by emily at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
40 days... not for Lent
Fast so you can feast.
This was a new thought that I was able to hear this weekend from David Nasser. I was the leader at 'Quest' (DNOW weekend). So I decided to fast from facebook. So far I haven't had that many withdraws. Aly is checking it for me so I can know if there is an event or important message.. (So no secrets in a facebook message that you don't want Aly to see!)
This weekend was amazing - I really think it was meant that I go for me to grow. I learned so much from the speakers, staff and other college leaders. I was the leader for a group of energetic 7th grade girls. They were fabulous.
I can't wait for Spring Break. I get to spend it with some fabulous people serving international students on campus. It is going to be great! Another thing is that on Friday I am going home to spend some time with friends and my wonderful family!
I wish that I had something profound to say - but I think it's the withdraw of facebook setting in... just kidding. I am fasting from facebook so I can focus on God's word and study. That way 40 days from now I will be feasting on the Truth :)
And when I say that I am fasting from it.. I know that sounds like I am trying to let everyone know.. but.. I am not complaining.. just letting those know who might need to contact me. I am so excited about all that I am going to learn in those hours that I usually waste time!
So this is not me being self-righteous.. or whatever. Just to let you know :)
Posted by emily at 8:18 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Therefore I will most gladly boast all the more in my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may reside in me. So because of Christ, I am pleased in weaknesses, insults, in catastrophes, in persecutions, and in pressures. For when I am weak, then I am strong. - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
This weekend was an experience that I will never forget. I spent three days as a youth leader at DNOW at a church in Auburn, KY. My dearest friend, Aly and I lead a group of freshmen girls. They were absolutely amazing. They opened up to us & showed us their hearts. It was beautiful.
I never expected to have a group of young girls who have gone through so much struggling and pain as these had in just the past year. One girl lost her mother, another's brother passed away in an accident, and a few others had family members who had cancer and either died or recovered. But this has all been in just the past year. I was shocked. The first small group we had at our host home... and these girls are revealing the things that have hurt them and I was amazed. They were so strong. They had built up walls... They thought they had to be strong. There weren't any tears shed that night - but it was just the start of the weekend. Some of these girls were there to learn about Christ and it was evident. They had their little notebooks and bibles and pens - and hearts that were open to an All Powerful God.
The youth minister of the church told us on Sunday afternoon during lunch (after DNOW was over) that he didn't want to tell us about the girls but instead let God to the work. By the last night ... walls were broken down - tears were shed - and a LONG healing process started. HE was at work.
There has been a reoccurring theme to me in the past few months. It may be a week or a month – but sooner or later everything that I have learned will click. I read the verse that started out this post almost every day a few months ago... knowing that I was weak. But then - I guess it was the city that did it to me... or being home for a few months... but I forgot that I am not capable of getting through the days, weeks, and months alone... well I might be capable... but there will be no joy.. due to the striving.
But last week ... it was just one of those weeks that you feel completely inadequate and useless. I was exhausted and behind in school and work. My wonderful friends offered loads of encouragement and silly times but there was a feeling that I just couldn't shake... that was until this weekend. I read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 to a few of my girls - reminding them that we don't have to try and put up a front that we are strong… because we aren't...
I slowly - finally today - started relating it to my own life. I have been running around like a crazy person... not spending enough time in the Word and not spending time for myself to rejuvenate or prepare for each day. I was living in the moment and not prepared... and it was exhausting. I was striving to be perfect in everything I did and when I found out I had failed at multiple things – it was a gut shot.
Next weekend I will be doing something similar to the previous weekend. I know that I will be so tired – longing for a nap – and on spiritual overload (it will be a good thing). I will be fed truth all weekend… I will be weak – I will have to remember that I am not the One who is strong.
Certain things have been catching me off guard recently. Let’s just say I have been getting distracted. These things are not important and I don’t get very intensely distracted – but nonetheless – I am not focusing.
I am excited to see what this week and weekend will bring.
His Grace Is Sufficient. we survived... and for the weekend got about 10 hours of sleep all together. .. once again i say.. "when I am weak..."
Posted by emily at 6:38 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Your unfailing love is better than life.
How beautiful would it be if this was our approach to life. That verse has helped me look at things in a new perspective.
I thought it would be a good idea to start off on a positive note - because I hate to sound like I am complaining. But the truth is... this week has been one of those that makes you question whether you will ever be capable or if inadequate is as far as you'll get.
I have realized that I have no balance in my life. I am either all or nothing in a certain area of my life. The different areas are: School, Work, Social, and BCM/Council.
When I am doing well at work- school suffers. When I am keeping up in my classes - Work and social suffer. And when I have a social life I forget about everything - which happened the other night.
But there is good news. I think I have broken off another layer of my hard social shell. But that is only by grace. It usually takes me a long time to feel welcome in a group - especially close enough to someone to open up. It is a silly thing - but after two years I actually feel comfortable on campus and with a group. It's a good feeling.
So... there is a new term that I made up - 'blinking' it means when you are open to an idea and considering it - and trying to applicate it. I am 'blinking' at missions and it is the most exciting thing that has been on my heart recently. I can't say that I have a strong passion for it yet - because well.. I am just not. But when I think about this summer and going to the Dominican - My heart starts to race a little and I just want to be on a plane and surrounded by the beautiful people on the 1:8 team. There is just something in me that is starting to stir when I think about the nations.
I went to conversational english last night at the BCM. That's right - I missed Lost to go talk with international students - it was a sacrifice.. if you could say that.. But I am trying to learn this thing called 'prioritizing' and put it into action.
But this spring break might look more different than I ever thought - hopefully - if the plan is able to happen and everything works out. I will post something about it later when I am sure - but BeachReach will not be happening for Miss McGuire this year.
I am excited to see where the Lord leads the next few steps of my life. He is already taking me places I never thought I would be - and providing opportunities that I never imagined I would be able to be a part of.
let's just say that His blessings are so apparent - even in the midst of failing quizzes and a busy life.
And in other points of my life.. that happen to be nonexistent... which I am not complaining about - I mean.. it's all in God's timing. Don't get me wrong - I am completely satisfied with where I am now... But a girl can't help but dream.
This song is so sweet - if you haven't heard it ... you are deprived and need to go listen right now. But it's Michael Buble's "Everything" I think it would be wonderful to have a guy think this about you.. So I guess this is my girly... this is soo cute.. and as I sing it.. I can't help but thing.. "one day.."
You're a falling star, You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to see.
And you play it coy, but it's kinda cute.
Ah, When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.
And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song, and I sing along.
'Cause you're my everything.
Yeah, yeah
Posted by emily at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
So as usual.. I am posting as a reaction to the chapter I just read in Captivating. It was titled 'mothers, daughters and sisters'. It was beautiful and just what I needed to hear tonight. It talked about the author's history with her mother and how destructive their relationship was. But I seem to think that is normal. When I was in high school and also when I came to western I was jealous when I heard of someone having a relationship with their mother that was like a friendship. I was never close with mine like some people I know. But I was still able to learn so much from her. How to be strong. How to show love. What faith in God looked like. What family meant.
I am so grateful for her and all she went through. For those of you who know my families story, you know my mother had to be strong. So after reading this chapter, crying for a few minutes and getting a little homesick... I decided to send her an email telling how mucho love her and how proud I am of all she does and all the sacrifices she has made for me.
I am starting to realize how thankful I am for the people around me. The people who offer their hearts and listen to mine. They are all around. My dgroup, my family, my close friends and the women in bowling green that take me under their wing. All these girls are so unbelievably beautiful and have a heart for God that inspires me every day. The weather can make us be grateful, and so can things that happen, but recently when it's been cold outside or stormy, and life has been crazy busy.. My wonderful friends have warmed my heart. I am so blessed and it's one more reason to praise the God who is sovereign and reigning today and tomorrow.
Oh gently lay your head
Upon My chest
And I will comfort you like a Mother while you rest.
The tide can change so fast
But I will stay
The same through Past, the same in Future,
Same Today.
Oh weary, tired and worn
Let out your sighs
And drop that heavy load you hold
Cuz Mine is light.
I know you through and through
There's no need to hide.
For I am constant.
I am near
I am peace that shatters all your secret fears.
I am holy.
I am wise.
I am the only One, who knows your heart's desires.
Oh gently lay your head upon My chest
And I will comfort you like a Mother
While you rest.
-Jill Phillipsl
Posted by emily at 9:37 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
beautiful day
Today is already a beautiful day!
I woke up early to do 24 Hour Prayer for the campus and then met two beautiful friends of mine outside my dorm for an encouragement breakfast.. It is a lot harder than any of us thought.. When you get up that early - you aren't really in the mood or the right mind to encourage. But it was still precious time with great friends!
Sometimes I think it is just helpful to know that someone is going through the same thing that you are - or have been through the same thing before.
we all seemed to be struggling with the same stuff - which is great. oh accountability - you have to love it.
Posted by emily at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
taking delight - the heart of it all.
Today has been so .. enlightening. I can't help but sigh as I think about all the things that have been revealed and developed.
This weekend was 1:8 Orientation and this summer has been all I have talked about since I got back on Saturday afternoon. It was a wonderful time - I blogged about it earlier - but it just gave me a different light on things.. and I thought that was all I would take from this weekend - info and excitement about summer plans. But I was very wrong. God wasn't done (and never will be). Today at Living Hope, Pastor Jason Pettus spoke about sharing the hope and how our faith is no secret and the verses he used were Acts 1:4-11 (coincidence.. I don't think so..).
the following were all points in the sermon that really got me thinking and evaluating:
The Holy Spirit empowers the followers of Jesus to BELIEVE and DELIGHT in the grace of God.
A lot of people cannot share the gospel because they have forgotten the Gospel and are not delighting in Him.
The believers of Jesus that live in the power of the Spirit can give testimony (be witnesses) of the goodness and grace of Jesus.
People need hope and the believers of Jesus must not hide the hope.
So. I evaluated what it means to me.. to delight in the Lord, and then how often I do. My answer was very humbling. I knew that He is my Savior, He is my Lord, He is my Strength, He is my Refuge, He is love. But was He in whom I delighted? Did I delight in these characteristics of God?
The answer.. as I said was humbling.
So my new goal. Take delight. Delight in my beautiful Lord who is unfailing, sovereign, exercising providence, actively preserving and actively governing.
And the aftermath of those things that were revealed... an absolutely beautiful day - and the thought in the back of my head.. even if there was 'rain' it would still be a wonderful day that I could take delight in the Lord. How wonderful.
Posted by emily at 7:58 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
today has been absolutley beautiful. Wonderful weather, great company, and a safe trip to Louisville for acts 1:8 orientation. It is actually kind of weird. As many know I am usually a really shy person but for some reason ... I guess since a lot of us are in the same place - we all connect. I am so excited about spending my summer with such encouraging brothers and sisters that truely want to know me and hear my heart. And I can't wait to hear more from everyone. For some reason the atmosphere is just different .. Different from church or bcm. It's automatically inviting because we all have to and are willing to be vulnerable in order to grow closer. It is kind of sad that I don't get to hang out with everyone until LTC but.. All summer will be spent growing and serving with people who have close to the same dreams and aspirations as me- to reach the world for Christ. And there is a sense of urgency almost..
We will get to know everyone more later but this weekend was sort of the ice breaker .. The time we all got to spend time getting to know other people.. I was nervous that I was the only one coming from western.. But it has forced me to come out of my shell the moment I get around this group..
And that brings me to a thought.. Why does it take this setting and this group for me to be the real, fun, silly emily? I should break out wherever I am... Because that shows the real, vulnerable, screw up, Christ seeking person that I am.. And that can only point to the Lord...
So.. I am going to be like little miss Harrod and offer a challenge- but I guess it is just to myself.. Be open, honest, truthful, and joyful everyday so others can see your heart and passion for knowing Christ... That is one thing that is definitely not lacking in this hotel with this beautiful group of people. I can't wait to dive in this summer with them. I know this has been and will be a life- changing summer and help me continue to learn more about my purpose and God's plan for me.. I mean I never thought I would ever be here.. Where else is He going to take me... Well I know one thing, I can't wait to find out
Posted by emily at 10:27 PM 2 comments