Monday, January 5, 2009

It is finally 2009 and I actually survived new years eve in times square! That is definitely a shocker. I got to spend one week in Bridgeport,connecticut and traveled into new York city every day. It was one of the greatest trips I have ever taken, mainly because if all the random wonderful things that happened. The family that my friends and I were staying with in Bridgeport let us join then for dinner at a restaurant called Bar Americain. The mother if the family works for the restaurant and we didn't have to pay for our meal, which was an awesome thing for three college girls who barely made it to New York. My favorite fay was spent in Chelsea shopping and enjoying the company if each other. It was a calm day and that night we went to see Avenue Q on Broadway. The musical was hilarious!! But very inapropriate at times.

New years eve was almost unbearable. Sara, jamie, and I arrived in Times Square around 12:30 and were there until 12 hours later... I got to see the Jonas Brothers perform twice!! It was great!!! I realized that the only reason why everyone is always so excited at midnight is because they get to leave and get out of the cold weather!! I forgot to mention that it was 19 degrees in times square...

The next day was the hardest to get up and going, mainly becuaae it was still freezing and we didn't get to sleep the night before until 3am. But the plan was to go to central park and finish up shopping that day. Central park was beautiful. We finally found food at this little BBQ restaurant. We were seated very close to this older woman who was enjoying her alcoholic beverage. After we ordered our food and were ready to start showing our grumpy attitudes to each other, the woman next to us said "happy new year!" we responded and our conversation turned into an hour long discussion about
Life. She then motioned to the waitor and said something and pointed to us. We knew she was paying for our meal. The woman had mentioned that she was an actress and had been on the Cosby show before. But I guess we just looked over it. Then she laid a hefty tip on the table infront of her. She got up and told us her name, Marcella Lowery. We said our goodbyes and finished our meal, each trying to grasp what had just happened. Sara learned from her dad later on that the woman played mcNabb's mother in the soup commercials. So we had a conversation and lunch with an older
Celebrity. How random and wonderful. She was so very nice and had told all if us that it Didn't matter what size we were or if we had blonde hair and blue eyes, we were still beautiful. That made my day.

So far my winter break has been amazing. Now I just have to figure out to do with my time while in a small town called Ravenna. This might be more difficult than trying to hail a taxi in 20 degree weather...